Co-operative Governance Africa (CGA) is a Financial Coops network that enables member Financial Coops to collectively engage in proactive activities, which will enhance business growth and institutional sustainability as owners, participants and beneficiaries. The outcome of our collective endeavour would be benefits that could have eluded members operating as individual institutions. We manage member diverse interests and harness their varied strengths to overturn individual member limitations for the mutual benefit of the members and the network.
We act as a catalyst for the steady growth and development of all Financial Co-operatives in Africa, with particularly emphasis on those operating in Western, Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Particular attention would be given to activities of Financial Co-operatives in Ghana as the basis to launch into other jurisdictions with beneficial services. We support networks of Financial Co-operative Organizations to provide modernized services for cross sharing, learning, conferences, workshops, internships and exchange programs.
CGA Provides a full range of information, training and development services to help your business grow as a sustainable financial services provider.
+233 500067086 / +233 243324244
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